
How We Think about World Peace

How We Think about World Peace

We believe that world peace will be realized when universal love and forgiveness prevail among humankind. A boy who was killed by the Atomic Bomb in 1945 taught us this spirit of love and forgiveness. His words are described in the following speech made by a lady from Hiroshima, his mother, at the World Federation Meeting at Hiroshima in August, 1970:

“I am a member of the World Federation Movement and live in Hiroshima. I am myself a victim of the atomic air raid, but what I would like to tell you is about my son, who was killed by the atomic bomb. He was a junior high school student at that time. On the very morning when the atomic bomb was dropped, my husband and I walked around looking for our missing son. When we found him at last, he was between two other students, scorched, inflamed, and breathing faintly. The other two beside him had already passed away. We took our son home, but a few days later he died, and I can never forget what my son said, as if he were in delirium, before he died. “Mammy, even though our opponent is America, still we should never hate nor fight against America. Should we, Mammy?” After saying this, he died. His words were printed on my mind and are always with me. I felt I had to respect his wish and do some work for Peace. This is why I joined the World Federation Movement.

Today I told you such a story because I saw some young people in this hall with a sash on which it is written “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” They do not speak a word such as “Such country is doing wrong” nor “We are against such and such.” These largehearted words of Love on the sash seemed to me just the same as my son’s and that’s why I wanted to tell you the story of my son.”

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